Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Do I Love Thee?

Let me count the blogs.

So, as you can see, this is my very first post. I will try my dandiest to keep up with them as time goes on. As a preface, I'll advise you to take very little of what I'm saying seriously. I might be ranting, I might be raving, I might be speaking in incoherent sentences. For the most part, these posts will simply be daily (more like weekly) musings on whatever has been marinating in my eccentric, slightly off-color mind.

To be brief, take everything with a grain of salt. Enjoy.

play him off the log, keyboard cat

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure this is almost an identical preface to how I started my 7th grade diary. ;)

    your preface is slightly more eloquent though, I'll give you that.
