Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tis The Season...

To get SCARED. And guys, I mean really scared. Horror movies aren't quite what they used to be. I don't understand when the element of fear became the element of disgust. It seems like the movies they're pumping out these days have no creativity, no suspense, and no way to connect at all. They're just...gross. I don't understand how people can watch the same movie over and over (SAW 1-6) and feel anything besides the urge to vomit. When TONS of people are getting brutally murdered every other minute, it becomes normal. It doesn't shock or upset.

really? like....for duh?

If you feel like giving yourself a good scare, do yourself a favor and rent something like George A. Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" (the original), "The Shining," or "Rear Window." What I'm advocating is this: please don't waste your money on another silly slasher film or cheap remake. Go with the originals, they're always better.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good vs. Evil




If any of you went to see "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs in 3D"...I feel terribly sorry for you. To all those who read the book as a child, you'll understand what a blasphemy this terribly animated movie is.

That's the first point of discussion: the animation. If you compare the beautiful illustrations in the book to the somewhat cheap (I know 3D animation is not inexpensive, but it looks like shit) animation of the movie you'll understand why I'm so upset. The illustrations in the book are so rich. That's what I loved most when I read it as a child. But really, who am I kidding? I STILL READ IT. It takes me longer to get through that book that a 300 page novel because I'm so enraptured by the crazy good detail and emotion illustrated on each page.

The second point of discussion: THE STORY. So this might be a less convincing argument, seeing as I haven't watched the movie--and that is only because I refuse to see it. Although I haven't seen the movie in it's entirety, I feel like I've gathered enough evidence about it from the previews. So in the book, the story revolves around the land of Chewandswallow, where the people get their daily meals from the sky. However, things go topsy-turvy and the townspeople are forced to flee and forge new ground. In the movie, I understand there is a man with a lab coat...a machine that makes a "perfect food storm"...and a monkey. Do I have to say more?

Yes, I understand "creative liberties" are taken when turning a book into a movie, but I feel like they went too far. I also understand the rights to the book must have been sold, but....JUDI?! RON?! WHY??????

How Do I Love Thee?

Let me count the blogs.

So, as you can see, this is my very first post. I will try my dandiest to keep up with them as time goes on. As a preface, I'll advise you to take very little of what I'm saying seriously. I might be ranting, I might be raving, I might be speaking in incoherent sentences. For the most part, these posts will simply be daily (more like weekly) musings on whatever has been marinating in my eccentric, slightly off-color mind.

To be brief, take everything with a grain of salt. Enjoy.

play him off the log, keyboard cat